Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Outside World

As I entered the outside world of TAFE, I was faced with many different sounds, people and surroundings. Distant bird callings with the rustling through the tree leaves as a cool breeze sweeps my face. However, my focus is broken by the pack of piping hot bricky boys who walk past in an orderly fashion.
As I walk past and smell the food being cooked in the canteen I can hear the sound of the hustle bustle of the cars on the highway close by.
Suddenly I am faced with a difficult task of not staring at the male walking past with the 10 pack and sizzling tan. However, my eyes have not listened to my inner conscious and decide to take a 180 degree turn and have a mjor perve.
I now decide to turn my ipod on and listen to some amazing Justin Bieber whom I will be viewing on Monday. Suddenly I see a parade of mixed females and males emerge to the sinks to wash there hands. I notice the way in which every person uses the water to there advantage in new and exciting ways.

I enjoyed my trip :)